IBD Rebranding
In six years, IBD has grown from theoretical exercise to innovative PMI thanks to the commitment of its team, composed by an MD entrepreneur and three biomedical engineers.
The technological and application development saw numerous forward steps and lead from MyDial first prototype in 2014 to the device that obtained the CE certification in 2020 and the development of BioRespira.
The same progress were made on the business front: partnership, participation in calls, fundraising, and round tables with sector stakeholders were on the agenda for the whole team.
The IBD brand could not remain unaffected by this evolutionary scenario, and this is how it changed.
In 2014 IBD adopted the below-shown logo, influenced by the academic environment in which the project has seen its origins.
The IBD mission defined at that time was to apply the principles of reverse innovation to hemodialysis devices. The aim was to create a device that can go beyond logistical (dimension and portability) and economical (costs for treatment and maintenance) limits of the traditional devices. This was the way through which IBD wanted to make dialysis, more specifically hemodialysis, accessible for millions of patients in the developing countries.
In 2016 IBD made its first rebranding, focusing the logo on its core activity: hemodialysis as the cure for chronic kidney disease (CKD).
With the precise intent to send a direct message to potential investors, stakeholders, and key opinion leaders, IBD inserted a stylized kidney in its logo.
In 2019, given the evolution of the project and the IBD transition from startup to innovative PMI, the team members have decided to collect the guiding values of their work and define shared mission and vision that went beyond the MyDial project.
This was the starting point of the redesign of the IBD logo that ended with a clean and clearly identifiable brand. The aim was to have a logo that can be used on different types of devices as well as in the communication of transversal contents to the worlds of biomedical devices and reverse innovation.
The new mission defines the patient as the core of IBD activities because, in the end, the IBD’s aim is to solve healthcare issues through the application of the reverse innovation principles and create the best medical device in terms of efficiency, optimization of costs, and usability.
Today, IBD is relentlessly working on the launch of MyDial and BioRespira.
Tomorrow, IBD will work on a new project always having its vision as a driver: make quality healthcare affordable for the most.